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soutien à la parentalité

The human being is built through his relational experiences.
We become what we are through relationships with the environment,
with the other.

We are « with ».

And yet, sometimes nothing seems more difficult than « being with ».

With events, with our experience, with each other, with ourselves.
Even more with a Being so close, tender, touching and at times so
incomprehensible and unberable – with our child.

Influenced by the resonance of our past, by our projections to the future, by the context of our present, being with our child often brings strong emotions.As a parent we walk in a varied landscape … beautiful,
surprising, incomprehensible, stressful, moving, peaceful, scary,
upsetting, happy, disturbing …

As a child, we live the same things.

And despite this common reality, we are often stay remote, isolated in our difficulties.

How to transform that?

How to create an environment that is nurturing the developement of our and our child’s profound Being?

How to nourish this Being who is sensitive, empathic, open, intelligent, cooperative, conciliatory, curious, in harmony …

A Being with

I have been asking myself these questions for years and I’ve found some answers in the theory of attachment, in interpersonal neurobiology, in play, in deep and emphatic listening, in the practice of focusing and mindfulness, in existentialist philosophy.
In the eye contact, the touch, the movement.
In my experience as a child and my reality as a parent.
Through the parents and children that I support.

Through my training, my intuitions and my experiences I deeply believe that:
  • Each human being has the intrisic ability to go move forward the realization of its potential. For this it does not need to be directed, led, it needs to be accompanied, it needs someone to « hold space » for it.
  • The child needs to feel safe, seen, loved, accepted, protected, encourage in a warm-hearteded and caringing way. With the sense of close, stable and strong connection with its parents.
    This experience allows a child to create the basis on which it will be able to develop with all his potential, to learn, to have a good self-esteem, confidence, strong relations with others …
    In this environement the child can be responsible, curious, respectful, adaptable, empathic, fulfilled …
  • Parents want the best for their child.
    But being a parent is far from easy and sometimes, even with all our energy, love and good will we « can not do it ».
    Being a parent can make you feel isolated, helpless, outdated.
    While being a parent, we sometimes need support that offers listening, knowledge and the tools needed to strengthen the connection with our child.
    One needs to feel connected oneself to be able to propose it to other.
I commit myself professionally and personally

to provide support for families in nurturing the parent-child connection. I facilitate the developement of their capacities – of listening, observation, expression, their ability to play, to connect, to laugh, to welcome tears, to set boundaries with
kindness …

I deeply believe that through parental support we influence the well-being not only of a family but also of a society.

I work with parents – individually and in couple and also with parents and their children.

Parenting workshops in Lyon and on line are organised several times in the year.

Please contact me for more information or to book you 30mn free telephone session.